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船票 Tickets
1. 旅客凭本人护照或有效旅行证件购买船票,船票只限旅客本人使用。不得转让或涂改,否则船票失效。
2. 旅客凭有效船票,享有乘座船票指定航次的权利。船票包含船上房费,早中晚餐,船票中指定的上岸参观费用。
3. 不含的项目:医疗服务、小费及没有在船票中特别注明的其他费用。除非有其它说明,船上住宿是以一人一标准床位为单位计算。纯属个人性质的消费项目,如酒类、洗衣、电话、美容美发、购物、自费上岸参观景点等费用,都需您个人自行负担。
1. Tourists can buy the cruise tickets relying on passports or effective credentials. The tickets are only for the tourists themselves. The tickets should not be transferred or modified, or the tickets will be regarded as invalidity.
2. Tourist who has effective cruise tickets has the right to take the assigned voyage specified on the ticket. The ticket price includes the accommodations, three meals, and shore excursions specified on the ticket.
3. Cruise fare dose not include: medical service, tips and other charges not indicated in the ticket price, only if there were special explanations. Cruise accommodations are based on two persons one standard cabin. Individual services which are not specified on the ticket, such as alcoholic drinks, laundry, telephone, hairdressing shopping, shore excursion etc, will be borne by the passengers themselves.
儿童 Children
1. 2-12岁儿童按成人船票价格的50%支付船款,不提供床位,仅提供用餐及景点费用;
2. 2周岁以下儿童按成人船票的20%支付船款,不提供床位,仅提供用餐及景点费用。 若儿童需要占床,按成人船票价格支付船款。
1. Children aged 2 to 12 are to be charged only half of the full payment, including meals and scenic spots fares but not holding bed.
2. Under 2 years baby are to be charged only20% of the full payment, including meals and scenic spots fares but not holding bed. If the children need a bed, full payment is charged.
取消 Cancellation
1. 若您在原订开航日期前45天之内取消预定,游船公司将收取以下费用:开航前44-30天取消,每人收取100美圆的取消费;开航前29-15天取消,每人收取船款的50%的取消费;开航前14天内取消或临时未登船,将收取船款全额的取消费。 取消预定船位包括全部或部分船位取消、变更船名或航期。对于全部或部分取消之船位,本公司有权进行再次分配。
2. 船票只限当日航次有效。旅客要求变更乘船日期、航次时,可在开航前14天内办理下一航次的改乘手续,但客舱满员时不予办理。签票只限一次,每人收取变更签票手续费100美圆。变更后未乘船者,其票按变更前日期作取消处理。
1. If the cancellation takes place 45 days before the due time, our cruise company will charge the following fee: If the cancellation takes place 44-30 days before the due time, 100 US dollars will be charged as compensation. If the cancellation takes place 29-15 days before the due time, 50% of all the payment will be charged as compensation. If the cancellation takes place 14 days before the due time or dose not get on board temporarily, 100% of one ticket will be charged as compensation. "Cancellation" includes the cancellation of all or part of the beds, the change of the cruiser or the departure time. For the beds been cancelled all or parts, our company have the right to arrange again.
2. The ticket is just effective for the voyage at the same day assigned on the ticket. If the tourists want to change the date or voyage, the changing procedures should be handled 14 days ahead of the due time. But if the cruise is full-loaded, your need will not be met. Every passenger can change the voyage just once, and 100 US dollars should be charged for the change. After the change, if the tourist do not get on board, the ticket will be regarded as cancelled just as the non-changed voyage.
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